Happy to announce Norcostco as our main event sponsor for this month’s Loop Showcase! They will be giving away 10% Off to all attendees and a Special Prize will be awarded to a few of our winners through our interactive game! So get Indie Film Loop and get your tickets TODAY while we still have a few $10 tickets available. Click for Tickets
May 14th: The LOOP Showcase Featured Industry Talent
Congratulations to ALL of our Official LOOP Showcase Selections for this month’s LOOP Showcase Event on May 14th! We look forward to showcasing such wonderful talent! The site will be updated with the rest of the Loop’s featured talent this week!
Know someone in the industry who should be showcased? Click here for details.
Nicole Kemper
Writer / Director / Producer
Showcasing: Short Film
Title: 80s Dating Video Remix
Hillary Heath
Writer / Director / Producer
Showcasing: Short Film
Title: 80s Dating Video Remix
May 11, 2016 PRESS CONFERENCE at General Assembly Atlanta, GA.
May 14, 2016 Theme: SFX Makeup, Stylist & Wardrobe / Costume
July 22-24 2016 Indie Film Loop Conference Showcase