Posts tagged actor monologues

Indie Film Loop Conference in Atlanta Georgia at the Cobb Galleria Centre will again create a wonderful film screening event with our Moonlight Cinema Event. Will will showcase short films from up and coming directors, producers and more throughout the Southeast



IFL is a leading industry tool that allows producers, directors, casting agents, decision makers and more the opportunity to see first-hand what these up and coming industry professionals can accomplish! It’s built, not only to be fun and interactive, but challenging. Through a qualifying submission process, the southeast’s talented and skilled independent professional will have the opportunity to take the industry by storm and become known as an industry elite!
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Who’s Who For Our ALIVE Showcase Event

Hollywood South Is ALIVE With The Indie Film Loop

We are now, officially, ONLY 5 Days away from our Hollywood South Is ALIVE event and we can’t wait!

Join us on Thursday, October 29th as we will have an amazing industry showcase that will include SFX Art, Actor Horror Monologues & Short Horror Films! It’ll be held at the Old Atrium at Odd Fellows Building on 236 Auburn Ave. Atlanta, GA. So, Get #IndieFilmLoop and come out to enjoy a fun-filled industry evening for networking, Music, light Hors d’oeuvre, drinks and more! Check out all of the details and showcasing talents below!

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